Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brinjal fried in eggy batter

I am awfully allergic to eggs. It runs in the family (of all the things I could have inherited...). And it is agony for me at lunch time when nearly everyone bring egg in one form or the other. Sigh! I can only gaze in envy and dismay. And here I have to mention that dimer dalna - bengali egg curry is one of the things I can make well.

Today was no exception - two boiled eggs, one omlette, one egg roll, one egg chowmein and on top of it all, J - the VSO volunteer joined us for lunch and this is what she brought:-

Talang Tortang (I hope I got that right) - Brinjal fried in eggy batter.
  1. You will need:

    Eggplant 1
    Egg 1
    Oil 2-3 tbsp
    Salt to taste
    Soy sauce

How to:

  1. Wash and pat the eggplant dry. Prick it with a fork.
  2. Roast it whole over a naked flame (like for baigan ka bharta).
  3. Let it cool, remove the peels - which should have turned flaky by now. Keep the tail on.
  4. Flatten it by pressing gently.
  5. Beat the egg. Add a little salt.
  6. Heat oil in a flat pan.
  7. Dip the flattened, roasted eggplant in the beaten egg and fry for about a minute.
  8. Remove and eat with steamed rice.

J said that it tastes really well with soy sauce sprinkled on it just before eating but she found the local soy sauces sweet - I assured her that salty soy sauce is available and I have no doubts that she will soon locate one. Afterall, three days after she joined (first time in Calcutta, ever), she attended our NGO's 20th anniversary in saree having found a boutique which stitched her choli overnight and 4 months later she had found herself a music teacher and has already learnt three rabindra sangeet and which she sings very tunefully, albeit with a sweet accent! She also cooks well.